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Dr. F. Kimani Githieya, Pastor
Pastor, Author, Educator, Evangelist.
Our Mission. . . to reach the World for Jesus Christ. We especially seek to reach people in our immediate community and elsewhere (in the City) so that they may know the transforming love of Jesus Christ through our work and witness.
We do this by. . . Evangelizing, witnessing, and preaching the gospel, and proclaiming pardon and redemption in Jesus Christ. We build up our membership through holistic biblical teaching, and prayerful life that translates into disciplined discipleship. Teaching and encouring our members to use their God given gifts and abilities as we work toward the common goal of building up God's kingdom. We develop new and diverse fellowship groups that meet our different needs (example: College, Youth, Young Couples, Young Adults, Women of the Church, etc.). We have a prayer team that lifts the needs of the Church and the communty every week. We are reviving the music ministry and praise team. We nurture and encourage members greater sense of stewardship so that the work of the Church may prosper inwardly and outwardly. We share the transforming and liberating power of Jesus Christ with our immediate neighbors, by carrying the gospel to those who cannot or would not necessarily come to us.
Join us each Sunday @ 11am for our worship service - 1071 Delaware Avenue SE, Atlanta, GA 30316

Transformation Covenant Church (TCC)
At TCC, the people of God come together to worship and give honor to God. We create an environment in which people of different backgrounds and culture can connect with God and others in a vibrant and fulfilling atmosphere. Come jus as you are and experience the trransforming and liberating power of Jesus Christ.
Many of our members come from diverse Christian backgrounds and love the freedom of a blended worship experience. We welcome all persons into our fellowship who wish to serve and be disciples of Jesus Christ.
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